Contact Information:
Center Director, Laoshi Michael Coulon may be contacted at:
[email protected]
(It is best to communicate with Laoshi Coulon through e-mail)
Home office phone: 603-623-2371, please leave a message.
Thank you!
Classes being offered by the New Hampshire Tai Chi Chuan Center located in Manchester, New Hampshire are the Comprehensive Class with instruction in the Yang Family Tai Chi system and the Tai Chi for Health class which focuses on the Yang Family Tai Chi 16 Movement Hand Form.
Classes are held in the parish hall at :
The Parish of the Transfiguration
305 Kelley Street
Manchester NH 03102
The Parish of the Transfiguration
305 Kelley Street
Manchester NH 03102
We are in the large brick building (the old school building) on the corner of Alsace Street and Kelley Street on west side of the City of Manchester. Please enter by the white door in the right front corner of the building facing Kelley Street. There is a cement walk way from the parking lot directly to this door. Proceed downstairs to the parish hall.
For more information regarding the class curriculum,
times and rates see Classes.
times and rates see Classes.